Technical Committee 22 Metal Powder Design and Additive Manufacturing

FA 22 Metal powder design and additive manufacturing
FA 22 Metal powder design and additive manufacturing

Member area AWT FA 22

Access to the new AWT member area from 2020:

Goals and Objectives:

  • Development and solution of application-related R&D issues for spray compacting and atomization of metallic melts.
  • Design of metal powders for additive manufacturing applications
  • Process development, modeling and simulation
  • Production and analysis of materials
  • Further processing of metal powders in additive manufacturing processes
  • Dissemination of technological experience involving industrial users (tool making, engine building, mechanical engineering, cutting tool manufacturing, aerospace, etc.)

Next date:


Dr.-Ing. Daniel Beckers
Technical Committee, FA 22 Metallpulverdesign und additive Fertigungsprozesse
August-Roßwag-Straße 1
76327 Pfinztal


Dr.-Ing. Anastasiya Tönjes
FA 24 Wärmebehandlung von Nichteisenmetallen
Badgasteiner Str. 3
28359 Bremen